Voice of the People Needing an Executive Director
Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities Inc.
The Executive invites applications for the position of Executive Director. Duties will commence June 1st, 2011. Location of office is Regina.
The Sask. Voice is a non profit, cross disability organization that works to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities through education and services in Saskatchewan.
The successful candidate will have the following qualifications and/or experience.
Experience in administrative/leadership
Experience in the preparation of budgets/fiscal management
A clear coherent vision to improve programs/services for people with disabilities
Working knowledge of disability issues
Organizational skills
Experience in working with volunteer boards
Experience organizing/implementing strategic plan
Knowledge of Microsoft Office PC environment
Frequent travel is also expected
In addition, candidates will exhibit many of the following characteristics:
Demonstrated commitment to education on disability issues
A team philosophy and experience regarding planning/decision making
Demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement in education of disability issues
The successful application must be active in the disability community. Candidates are asked to forward a resume, plus the names of three references, a one to two page summary of experience regarding disability. A current criminal record check will have to be provided if offered the position.
Deadline for applications is March 18th, 2011.
Applications should be directed to:
Ron Bort, Provincial Chairperson
Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities, Inc.
Avonhurst RPO, Box 27001
Regina, SK S4R 8R8
Or electronically to: