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INAC addresses unemployment levels on reserves

Dec 9, 2010 | 3:45 PM

A new initiative by the Department of Indian Affairs targets people on reserves who rely on income assistance.

According to an INAC Spokesperson, there were over 17,000 people last year on Saskatchewan reserves depending on income assistance.

The goal of the new initiative is to find ways to provide more training and employment opportunities.

“The intent of active measures is not to cut people off income assistance, but rather present them with some viable alternatives”, said Regional Spokesperson Rod Desnomie.

INAC plans to work closely with the Tribal Councils and identify the barriers that deter people from finding work.

“There may not be as many employment opportunities on reserve, so that is why a lot of people are choosing to leave their home community and go into the urban centers, which for many of them is a barrier,” Desnomie said.

INAC is currently partnered with five provincial tribal councils. They are Meadow Lake, File Hills, Saskatoon, Yorkton and Agency Chiefs.

The next step is to sign memorandums of understanding early in the New Year.