St. Michael’s School Focusses on Virtues, the Season of Lent and Many Coming Activities
For the Month of March:
We want to recognize You for being a Steward of Time.
This Wednesday we will begin the holy season of Lent. We can begin to prepare ourselves for Lent throughout this week by thinking of the kind choices and sacrifices we want to make to renew our relationship with God.
Lord I desire to do all things for your glory. I desire to do all things in your name, for your cause, for your mission. Then I will know peace in my heart.
Lenten Celebrations
All Parent, Guardians & Grandparents are invited to come join in our Lenten Celebrations. Please find the dates and times for our March Celebrations under Important Dates to Remember. This year’s theme will be: Take Courage! The Lord looks into the Heart!
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
Shrove Tuesday Breakfast
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Commons
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Ash Wednesday Celebration @ 12:45 at St. Michael Parish.