Regional perimeter checkpoints implemented in northwestern Saskatchewan as COVID-19 outbreak continues
The mayor of a northwestern Saskatchewan town is asking those who don’t live in Ile-a-la-Crosse, La Loche, or numerous First Nations communities not to travel there unless absolutely necessary.
As of Thursday, April 23, there were 21 cases of COVID-19, with one additional presumptive case. It’s a very worrying situation, says Ile-a-la-Crosse Mayor Duane Favel.
“We’re in the middle of an outbreak in our region…so what we’re trying to do is monitor the flow of traffic in and out of our region and offering educational sessions to people coming in and out – and really trying to get the message out there that we need to be social distancing. We need to be doing things in accordance with the state of emergency.”
A news release sent out by Favel, the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan, Meadow Lake Tribal Council Chief Richard Ben, and the local Incident Command Centre’s Rick Laliberte indicates the checkpoints will help minimize the spread of COVID-19. The region is predominantly populated by First Nations and Metis citizens.