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City offers online tax payments

Jan 4, 2011 | 12:27 PM

Prince Albert residents now have the option of paying their taxes online.

The city is set to send out pre-payment tax notices and residents will have the option to pay online through their banks.

City assessor Brian Moore said the option is available through all major banks in Prince Albert and that the process is similar to paying a credit card- or water bill.

According to Moore, the new option will hopefully make everyone’s lives a little easier.

“It allows individuals to take advantage of modern technology, save them the trip into city hall to pay their taxes or using regular mail services, just making the whole process more convenient,” said Moore.

“And the more convenient you can make taxation, the less burdensome it is.”

New option also applies to tax discounts

Moore said there were two things the city hoped to achieve with the online payment option.

“We’re obviously hoping this will cut down on the lines that occur and we’re also hoping that introducing at this time year, more people will take advantage of the pre-payment option as far their taxes are concerned,” he said.

Residents who choose to pre-pay their taxes will receive a 1.25 per cent discount. The pre-pay taxes are based on last year’s mill rate and allow residents to pay the bulk of their taxes.

Once council decides on 2011’s mill rate, the city will charge for the remainder.

In order to register for online payments, residents must bring their city account number to their financial institution, or have it while searching for it during online banking.

Regular tax assessments are sent out in May and are due by June.