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Reversing Dairy Intolerance

Apr 25, 2017 | 8:53 AM

Clinically Proven SULMEDOL can eliminate your lactose intolerance by reactivating your body’s natural production of lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose. In most cases, just one bottle is needed to restore lactose intolerance and allows you to enjoy dairy foods again. By taking just 1 capsule, twice daily immediately after meals, symptoms of lactose intolerance should begin to disappear – generally as soon as 3 weeks, or up to 12 weeks.

How does it work?

Health Advantage

  • Restores natural digestive process SULMEDOL® activates the lactase enzyme in your small intestine and restores your ability to digest lactose, eliminating the need for lactose-free dairy products and lactose-digesting enzymes before each meal. This eliminates not only the inconvenience of carrying digestive enzymes with you everywhere you go, but also the stress of avoiding dairy products.
  • No down regulation of enzyme production Although this is only theoretical and has not been tested with lactase supplementation, other research does point to the possibility, and a need to explore this potential negative effect. Down-regulation may cause the individual to rely on lactase supplementation and increase need and costs.
  • Access to Nutritious Dairy Foods Dairy provides a high quality protein source, Vitamin D, calcium plus other vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can support a healthy lifestyle.

Convenience Advantage

SULMEDOL® eliminates the need for lactase enzymes. Those with lactose intolerance must carry these products with them everywhere they go, and administer just the right amount each time dairy is consumed, otherwise LI symptoms may persist.

Dietary Freedom

SULMEDOL® can help restore and maintain lactose tolerance. That means enjoying dairy again without the pain, suffering, and all the high costs and inconvenience. No fear of foods, gas, indigestion. Enjoying pizza, or ice cream and other dairy delights. No pills to carry. Plus, eating real dairy foods with all the flavour versus lactose-free imitations. Finally, there is an opportunity to truly break free from the limitations of lactose intolerance. Just imagine that you, your friends and your family may once again enjoy the unrestricted consumption of delicious and nutritious dairy products.