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Staying Positive Through the Storm

Apr 30, 2013 | 2:23 PM

As parents we endure challenge after challenge. We can choose to view these challenges in two ways.

1. The glass is half empty …or

2. The glass is half full.

I have had my share of “glass half empty” days lately and with our never ending winter days, I am sure I am not alone. Waking one day to sunshine, water flowing from melting snow and hope, to the next day’s blizzard, muddy roads and defeat. I try not to complain, but even if I don’t say it out loud I am fuming on the inside. Questioning why???? Wondering why I live here??? Dreaming of warmer places to live!! Thinking in “if only” mentality.

If only I lived elsewhere…..

If only the snow would go away……

If only it would warm up…..

If only the sun would shine……

Definitely a “glass half empty” kind of thinking.

Sometimes these “glass half empty” thoughts creep into my parenting. Especially when my children don’t make the best choices or their attitudes are challenging. I teeter totter from one day to the next….one day is full of joy with the privileged proud parent feeling and the next is tired and worn with a feeling of defeat and question. Wondering why??? Why can’t it be easier? Why do kids do stupid things when we have directed them so well? Then the “if only’s” start again….if only my kids weren’t sick? If only they cleaned up after themselves. If only I win the lottery? And the list goes on and the feelings become overwhelming.

The “if only” mentality doesn’t help and keeps me in “the glass half empty” state of mind. And the “Why me?” question is really an easy one to answer……I will tell you why…..because sometimes life is just not the neat and narrow road we want it to be and our view of it is what makes it manageable or not. We have a choice… the glass can be half empty or half full and that choice is ours to make. Each day we can choose and today I am going to choose full. I have been home way more days than desired with sick kids lately and I am forever grateful for children that are healthy enough to get over colds and flus. I have been feeling under the weather myself but I am forever grateful for sick pay from my work so I can take the time to recover and it is not a hardship financially. Over all I am just grateful. Grateful for my cup that is half full and overflowing with blessings of love, joy, peace and compassion. Grateful for my 5 challenging and wonderful children who keep me on my toes. Grateful for this crazy weather because I love living in my warm home in my small town.

Life’s road will continue to twist turn and at times lead us the wrong way. Each twist we can choose to live in gratitude or defeat. Each day we can live a “if only” or “I’ll take it” attitude. Will it be easy??? NO WAY!!! But is it worth it???? ABSOLUTLEY!!!