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South African woman in Regina recalls meeting Nelson Mandela

Jun 12, 2013 | 7:18 AM

Two words continue to describe the condition of Nelson Mandela: “serious”, but “stable”.

The 94-year-old former South African president is battling a lung infection in a Pretoria, South Africa hospital.

As the people of South Africa prepare for the worst, a few ex-patriots living in Saskatchewan are reflecting on his life and work.

One of them is Roshnie Thaver who now works as an English instructor at Regina's Open Door Society.

“He is so well loved and respected,” Thaver says. “A lot of people say that he has been a special gift from God to the people of South Africa.”

Thaver was born and raised in South Africa before moving to Canada in the 1980s. After Mandela was elected President of South Africa in 1994, she recalls how she, as a black South African, was finally able to vote in their elections.

“I remember how emotional it was for me and my husband to walk to that polling station here in Regina and vote. I burst into tears the moment I walked into that polling station… it was like a cleansing moment for me.”

Thaver even recalls meeting Mandela in person a few years ago on a trip to Durban. She went to his summer home every day and asked the security guards for a meeting.

“And about two, three days before we left South Africa to come back to Canada, I was allowed to see him… that was the greatest moment of my life. Because growing up in South Africa we were not even able to have a picture of him,” she explained.

Thaver recalls that Mandela spent most of their time together speaking to her children. He spoke at length about his love for Canada and how happy he was that Thaver was living there.

Despite her personal feelings for the former president, Thaver says it's time for the people of South Africa to let him go.

“He's not going to be with us for much longer now. And I think that's a very difficult thing for South Africans, especially black South Africans, to come to terms with.”

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