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Do Not Flush Medications – Proper Disposal Methods Available

Dec 5, 2013 | 2:53 PM

Going through my medicine cabinet a few days ago searching for a cold medication I haven’t used in a year, I came across a few bottles of expired medications, and some that we just don’t use any longer.


I packed them up in a bag and brought them to the pharmacy with me for disposal like I always do. It got me thinking about how in the past, it was common for people to wash old medicines down the sink or flush them in the toilet. Others would throw old medicines in the garbage, thinking this was a safe way to dispose of old or expired medication.

Recent studies have highlighted the impact of pharmaceutical waste on our environment. Traces of pharmaceutical waste have been found in our water systems (surface water, coastal water, groundwater, and drinking water) and soil. A US Geological study found prescriptions drug contaminants in 32% of their streams. Most scientists believe that the majority of this waste is just a by-product of those who consume the medications (as all of the active medication is not metabolized and is flushed from the body).

They also recognize that improper disposal of medications in water and garbage are contributing to the increasing concentrations found in the environment. Although the concentrations are very low there is concern that it may be leading to adverse effects on the environment and human health.

There is most concern about cumulative, long-term exposure to trace amounts and mixtures of pharmaceuticals on populations such as pregnant women, newborns and young children. Although there is not any conclusive studies, scientists believe that exposure to pharmaceuticals in our environment may be leading to antibiotic resistance.

Visit to see what our government has to say about drug disposal and how they are working to keep pharmaceutical waste out of our environment and bodies.

To prevent this environmental issue from becoming any larger, patients should know the proper way to USE AND DISPOSE of their medications.

It is important to take your medication as prescribed by your physician, finish antibiotics (even though you may be feeling better) and to know what to do if you miss a dose of your prescription or if your doctor discontinues your medication. It is also a good idea to go through your medicine cabinet once a year to get rid of any expired or no longer used medications.

If you have questions about whether a medication is still okay to use, talk to your pharmacist! And when you are ready to dispose of those old medications, DO NOT flush them down the toilet or just toss them in the garbage!

Saskatchewan has a very good drug disposal program that most pharmacies participate in. We will take back your old medication and dispose of them in a safe manner through a bio medical waste disposal company. Most pharmacies accept all types of medication, from pills, eye drops, liquids, insulin and even inhalers. Not only does this method of disposal keep medications out of our water and soil, but also protects others from accidental poisoning, or abuse of medications left in the home or garbage.

This is just one of the services offered free of charge at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy for all customers. If you have questions about your medications or your health stop in and talk to me or give us a call at (306) 970-3060. Help save our environment and your health by bringing your expired and old medications to the pharmacy for proper disposal! Your Health is Our Proirity!