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Irish Ispired Skincare Tips

Mar 14, 2018 | 8:16 AM

Historically, what have the Irish used for skincare to promote beautiful and healthy skin?  Here are some surprises, just in time for St Patrick’s Day.

The Irish are known for having beautiful porcelain skin but it comes with a cost. 

They also have one of the highest incidences of rosacea. With rosacea comes sensitive skin that easily gets upset. Hundreds of years ago, there was no Cold Laser to settle things down. How did they manage?

They used skincare ingredients that are still implemented in high end products today. They just used these ingredients in their purest form.


Oats are extremely soothing for upset burns. Maybe your Mum even threw some in a cool bath when you had a sunburn.


Comfrey is a plant that is native to Ireland.  It’s famous for its healing and soothing properties. 


Seaweed is a skincare powerhouse. Chock full of all of the minerals that can be found in the sea, seaweed is also full of vitamins and other co-factors that makes skin beautiful, young and healthy. Seaweed is a marine source of collagen which helps with lubrication and hydration when applied topically or taken orally.

Derivatives and extracts from oats, comfrey and seaweed are all often found in effective skincare products today.  It worked on Irish sensitive skin that was prone to redness by reducing inflammation and giving healthy glow.  It can work for you. 

Cherise owns Results in Prince Albert where she obsesses over skincare product labels and ingredients – so you don’t have to.  Give her a call at 953 1986 or learn more at