Support Local Dancers – Spend and Evening in Ireland
March 12, 7 p.m.
The Shamrock Irish Dancers welcome you to join them for our 10th annual Evening in Ireland.
You'll want to clap your hands and tap your toes along with our lively Irish music as you watch the girls dance, but you'll never be able to keep up with the intricate rhythms they create with their feet or the gracefulness they exhibit as they flow across the stage. You will see a fine display of what can be attained with years of practice and competing when you watch our Championship Dancers perform. We are just as proud of our newer and younger dancers- along with their skill, they all bring a sincere enthusiasm and love of dancing to the stage.
After the formal show on stage, we will continue with more fun at our Ceili. Join us in the lobby and atrium for a typical Irish social with more Irish music and dancing, food and drink, and Irish jokes of course. Meet the dancers and see them perform up close- and maybe even join in and learn a few steps, or sing along.
We are proud and pleased to welcome guest performers for the evening- the Rivier Jazz Choir, Jordan Wilkinson and Dallis Aiken.
Food and coffee/tea/juice provided. Cash bar at the Ceili.
Funds raised at this event will support our local dance program as well as assist our Championship dancer who has qualified to compete at the World's Irish Dance Competition in Dublin Ireland in April. Proudly supported by CTV and Rawlco Radio