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Duncan Newman, longtime volunteer with 'Meals on Wheels.' (Submitted Photo/ Sonya Jahn)
Gift of Time

“We’re always going to need hearts and hands,” Saskatchewan Health Authority looks for volunteers

May 28, 2019 | 1:00 PM

While making summer plans, perhaps you can schedule time to volunteer.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hoping people in the Prince Albert region can spare an hour or two to help residents and patients in the district.

“It’s like a lot of these things, you get out of it, a lot more than you put into it,” Duncan Newman

Sonya Jahn, the transitional lead for volunteer services with the SHA, Prince Albert region, said summer is a great time to help out.

“We’re always going to need hands and hearts to help out. Certainly we have a need during the summer months, a lot of people love to go out to the lake,” Jahn said. “We need those helpers, to help out in our hospitals and long term care facilities.”

With many students out of school, Jahn added it’s a great opportunity for students to get volunteer hours in.

“We would be very grateful for any assistance that we could obtain,” Jahn said. “It’s a rewarding experience. I hear time and time again from volunteers that they enjoy giving. They just feel really good about the whole experience.”

Duncan Newman has been helping deliver meals for 12 years and said that it allows him to be a part of other people’s day.

“It’s like a lot of these things, you get out of it, a lot more than you put into it,” Newman said. “For that small commitment, you get that warm, fuzzy feeling. Most of the people that you’re taking the food too are really grateful.”

There are a number of volunteer positions that the SHA have open, but a special highlight is ‘Meals on Wheels,’ delivery.

“In Prince Albert, Birch Hill and Kinistino if there was anyone available to give a helping hand the meals are delivered Monday – Friday. Even if it’s just once or twice a month that would be a tremendous help,” Sonya Jahn said.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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