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Participants posed for a photo before embarking on the Hike for Hospice on Saturday. (Brady Bateman/paNOW Staff)
Walking for a cause

Going on a hike for hospice

May 4, 2019 | 12:15 PM

Prince Albert’s Rose Garden Hospice is one step closer to becoming a reality after the Hike for Hospice event on Saturday.

The event saw roughly 40 participants hike nearly five kilometres from the Alfred Jenkins Field House, to the future site of the proposed Rose Garden Hospice.

Dennis Ulmer, Vice President of Finance with the Rose Garden Hospice Association said the day was important to bring the community one step closer to completing the much-needed facility.

Participants follow the bagpipers as they embark on the Hike for Hospice event on Saturday. (Brady Bateman/paNOW Staff)

“We are now in the process of raising funds for the capital costs of the project,” Ulmer said.

“This morning, this is happening across Canada, we have the Hike for Hospice. Every hospice across Canada is involved in this day.”

Participants were able to donate funds in advance of the event, raising money from businesses, friends and family. Local philanthropist Malcolm Jenkins pledged to match all funds raised from those participating in the event.

Bagpipers lead the way at the Hike for Hospice on Saturday

“I think most people have attended the birth of a child or a grandchild. You can see the tremendous amount of care that is taken when someone walks into this world,” said Ulmer.

“Our goal is to have someone leave this world and walk out of this world with the same amount of care, case closed.”

Ulmer noted that health care has been in Prince Albert for many years, but the goal of the hospice project is to get the city back on the map in terms of revolutionary health care, adding that the facility will be top of the line.

On Twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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