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The R.M. of Prince Albert wants to upgrade this road to a fully-engineered graveled surface. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
No upgrade for now

City to deny request to upgrade 48th Street

Mar 4, 2021 | 6:08 PM

Despite the efforts of the R.M. of Prince Albert, it looks like the proposed upgrade of 48th Street East will not go ahead this year.

The artery straddles the border between the R.M. and the City of P.A.

Improving the condition of the road would benefit businesses and residents in the area, along with taking traffic off nearby Marquis and Elevator Roads, R.M. reeve Eric Schmalz told paNOW in December.

In an attempt to entice the city to agree to upgrade it, the R.M. offered to pay for half of the cost to improve the city’s portion.

A map shows 48th St. E and the surronding area. (Council Agenda Package/City of P.A.)

At Monday night’s executive committee meeting, city councillors voted to deny that request. However, mayor Greg Dionne told paNOW he intends to amend the motion when it comes back to council for a final vote on March 15 to forward the R.M.’s ask to next year’s budget deliberations.

He said the city can’t afford it this year because they want to keep taxes as low as possible amid the pandemic, but they will look at it again in the future.

“That road can survive another year just being graded,” Dionne said. “I understand their ask and traffic will increase as more businesses open on that side [of the city] so I do believe at some point it [the upgrade] has to be done.”

For his part Schmalz thanked the city for considering the proposal and said he looks forward to discussing it with them again in the future.

“We understand that there are budget constraints and every municipality has to make sure that it fits within their metric as far as budgets go,” Schmalz said. “We were hopeful we would be able to make something happen this year but it sounds like the city has got some more pressing matters to take care of.”

A business owner in the area was less diplomatic.

“I’m a extremely disappointed,” Bryce Floer, the owner of Glenmore Equipment at the corner of 2nd Avenue West and 48th Street, said.

Referencing growth going on in that area, including the construction of the new recreation complex, Floer said the city’s decision “lacked vision.”

“I hear the city many times talk about how the R.M.s aren’t paying their fair share for things going on in partnership with the city,” he said. “Well the R.M. was willing to pay for 50 per cent of the city’s portion of their upgrade. Gosh, if the city can’t work a deal like that, I guess they’ll never improve the road.”

On Twitter: @alisandstrom