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Agriculture Roundup for Wednesday November 18, 2020

Nov 18, 2020 | 11:14 AM

MELFORT, Sask. – Canadian Western Agribition (CWA) is looking for the most influential people in Canadian agriculture.

CWA CEO Chris Lane said the public campaign will celebrate the people who are leading, inspiring, and building agriculture across all sectors.

There are five categories including young leaders, mentors, innovators, entrepreneurs, and people who speak up for the industry.

A selection panel will narrow the field to the 50 finalists. The list will be unveiled on Feb. 23, Canada’s Ag Day.

After some concerns about dry growing conditions Australian farmers will bring in an above average crop.

Increased precipitation has contributed to barley production estimates of roughly 11 million tonnes.

New South Wales grain committee chair Matthew Madden said the concern is finding new markets for all of that barley. He said China has accused Australia of interfering in its domestic affairs.

China has applied large tariffs on Australian barley in retaliation for questioning the Chinese government’s handling of COVID-19 as well as the restrictions on democracy in Hong Kong.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF