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Agriculture Roundup for Monday November 16, 2020

Nov 16, 2020 | 10:10 AM

Grain Growers of Canada kicked off Grain Week with the release of a short video.

Today’s Modern Grain Farm: A Harvest Across Canada is designed to help educate politicians and policymakers about the challenges and realities facing farmers.

Saskatchewan grain farmer Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, a director with the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association and Audrey Bogemans, the vice president of Ferme Bogemans Inc. and a grain farmer in Quebec are featured.

The video will be available tomorrow on both the Grain Growers and Crop Life YouTube Channel.

A farm in Norfolk County, Ont. gripped by a COVID-19 outbreak in the spring has been ordered to pay damages to a migrant worker it fired in retaliation for speaking out about working conditions.

The Ontario Labour Review Board OLRB) said Scotlynn Sweetpac Growers fired Gabriel Flores in June and immediately sent him back to Mexico after he privately and publicly expressed concerns over working and living conditions.

OLRB chair Matthew R. Wilson said in his decision Flores confronted his supervisor about living in close quarters.

He noted the confrontation came after Flores was diagnosed with the virus, and his roommate and co-worker died of coronavirus.

Wilson said the then-owner of Scotlynn, Robert Biddle, thought he saw Flores in a media video where people were speaking about the conditions on farms, and said he would send the worker back to Mexico.

He ordered the farm to pay Flores $25,000, including $16,811 for lost wages and $5,000 for pain and suffering.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF