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Agriculture Roundup for Tuesday October 27, 2020

Oct 27, 2020 | 10:34 AM

MELFORT, Sask. – Farm groups are offering congratulations to the Moe government on yesterday’s Saskatchewan election win.

The Western Canadian Wheat Growers (WGWG) said they have enjoyed a strong relationship with MLAs in the past and look forward to continuing to build on this affiliation.

WCWG Chair Daryl Fransoo said the need for strong agriculture policy is imperative to ensure a strong Saskatchewan economy.

The group focused its efforts on international trade, carbon tax, transportation, and rural broadband.

The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) commended all who ran in the provincial election and extended congratulations to the successful candidates.

SARM President Ray Orb said residents elected the candidates they felt would best represent their interests for this term.

“SARM looks forward to working with all those who have a part to play in shaping our province and advancing the priorities of Saskatchewan’s rural municipalities,” Orb said.

Reliable internet and cellphone service are issues SARM will continue to press, according to Orb.

“Access to reliable broadband has been proven to be an essential service and needs to be accessible to all Saskatchewan residents, not unlike access to clean drinking water, healthcare, and education,” Orb said.

SARM also asked for continued, predictable municipal support, and ongoing support for agriculture producers.

Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) now has expanded eligibility to businesses using personal banking accounts.

This includes farmers who have been asking for this change.

Not counting the number of farmers who are now eligible because of the change announced yesterday, over 85,000 farm businesses will have access to the interest-free loans of CEBA, one-third of which is forgivable.

There is the potential of up to $1.7 billion being available directly to farmers through the forgivable portion of interest-free loans.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie Claude Bibeau encouraged farmers and food businesses who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to take advantage of the program.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF