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JPBG program director Danny Kid on CKBI radio. (File photo/paNOW)
Lending A Hand

Non-profits to benefit from radio station grants

May 8, 2020 | 8:00 AM

The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group (JPBG) in Prince Albert is putting the power of radio behind deserving, non-profit groups in the community struggling to get their messages out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Salvation Army, the YWCA, PA Outreach and the local branches of the Canadian Cancer Society and Mental Health Association are each receiving $15,000 worth of free advertising that will air on CKBI, Power99 and XFM radio stations over the next few months.

“Its just the right thing to do,” said Danny Kid, station program director. “As a company and as community members we wanted to reach out and provide assistance to a few non-profits that are under pressure due to the pandemic by doing what we do best – telling stories.”

Staff at the broadcast centre offered suggestions on beneficiaries based on what is important to them, their families and their communities. Kid said the common themes became clear.

“The vulnerable, mental health and causes that have had major fundraisers displaced,” he said.

The Prince Albert branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, for example, closed its doors in April due to what they called a ‘catastrophic drop in revenue.’ Kid said the radio advertising will help promote events in the face of uncertainty, like the cancer society’s annual relay for life event, or services like those offered by the mental health association.

Donna Brooks, CEO of the Prince Albert YWCA said they don’t normally have a budget for advertising, so the JPBG grant gives them an additional avenue to promote what services they offer and what help they may need.

“Things like figuring out new ways to go about accessing government systems. People have to phone in to these programs now, instead of in person and they need more help filing income tax for example. So, while we haven’t seen an increase in the number of people we help, we’ve seen an increase in the need to help our regular clients navigate this new way of life during the pandemic. It’s not as easy to stay home and isolate either when you’re cooped up in a shelter,” said Brooks.

The five $15,000 grants being provided by the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group are in addition to a professional marketing program worth $60,000 that the company provides a deserving organization each year.

On Twitter: @princealbertNOW

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