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The City of Prince Albert will start sweeping as soon weather permits. (Glenn Hicks/paNOW Staff)
spring maintenance

City crews refocus efforts as temperatures climb

Apr 20, 2020 | 2:00 PM

The City of Prince Albert is shifting the focus of its operations.

Mohammad Kraishan, operations manager for the city of P.A., said as temperatures warm up staff are focusing on making sure important infrastructure is in working order.

“[They’re] working on drainage issues and cleaning and basically repairing all the catch basins and the catch basin leads and some of the storm mains,” he said.

Over this past weekend, Kraishan said they had crews out to make sure there were not any major drainage issues. He added they have also been working to mitigate the issue of water by removing snow from areas where it could pose a problem.

Kraishan said they have also been out on the streets dealing with potholes.

“That’s just due to the nature of pavement and the frozen ground once it starts thawing,” he said.

Kraishan said they are aware of a potholes throughout the city, but added residents shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with the city if and when they notice one.

Once weather permits the city will also be ready to move into their spring sweeping program. Kraishan said last year they were able to get started with sweeping in April. He added it tends to vary when they get started on the sweeping.

“It does depend on the temperature and the amount of snow on the ground,” he said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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