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(The Canadian Press)
Financial matters

P.A. housing and hospital: budget reaction

Mar 19, 2020 | 2:36 PM

Local builders say the partial tax break offered in the provincial budget isn’t everything they were hoping for, but it will still be a shot in the arm for the ailing residential construction sector.

The PST, which has been applied to construction projects in the province since spring 2017, is being partially peeled back for new home construction. A rebate is now available for up to 42 per cent of the PST paid on a new house contract up to $350,000, excluding land.

“It’s a little bit like Christmas time,” P.A. Construction Association Vice President Dan Yungwirth told paNOW. “You think ‘what’s under the tree?’ and hope it’s something fantastic, and you open it up, and it’s still something really good, but not exactly what you wanted.”

Yungwirth explained he would have liked to see the PST taken off all construction projects, but the PST rebate for new home construction may still encourage a few new builds in Prince Albert and he welcomed the incentive.

Mayor responds

For Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne, the PST rebate wasn’t exactly what he was looking for, but it was a positive step, if a small one.

He said even though he understands the government needs to generate revenue, he’s disappointed they didn’t take the PST off city construction projects.

“We’re in the same boat as them, we need funding,” he said. “I don’t think it’s right, and I have a hard time finding other provinces where one level of government charges the other level of government.”

Dionne was pleased to see $15 million for the planning and design of the new Victoria Hospital Building and is looking forward to ground being broken in 2021.

“After this coronavirus is done we’re going to have to do something to get our economy going,” Dionne said. “And with the city’s planning the new hospital and our new rinks and pool that should really help us come out of this slump pretty good.”

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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