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One of the resolutions at this week's SARM convention has to do directly with where Crime Watch signs can be posted in relation to provincial highways. (file photo/paNOW Staff)
Rural issues

R.M. reps prepare possible election questions, as SARM convention gets underway

Mar 9, 2020 | 4:52 PM

Roads, crime, flooding and beavers are all on the agenda this week at the annual Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) convention in Regina. And with a provincial election looming all their concerns may have a greater chance of being heard.

Representatives from both the rural municipalities (R.M.) of Prince Albert and Buckland made the trip down for the four-day conference. R.M. of Prince Albert Eric Schmalz said he is seeking some answers on one specific topic.

“I am interested to hear what SARM has to say about the proposal by the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) to re-organize both associations into one body. I know SARM is resistant to it,” he said.

The high point of the week is generally the bear pit session on Wednesday, when the R.M. council members have a chance to grill the provincial cabinet ministers. R.M. of Buckland Reeve Don Fyrk told paNOW he does not have any specific questions.

“I guess in the southern parts of the province where there are really bad roads that’s what they usually talk about but in our R.M. everything is fine,” he said.

Among the keynote speakers this week are Claude Elliot, former Mayor of Gander, Newfoundland and Stephen Covey, chief of police and chief security officer for CN rail. Resolutions are scheduled for discussion Tuesday afternoon.

The R.M. of Lost River is calling on SARM to lobby the provincial government to ensure land locations for all known cases of Club Root in Saskatchewan be posted publicly by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The R.M. of Lakeview is asking for SARM to administer a wild boar control program with rural municipalities. The R.M. of Blaine Lake has also submitted a resolution, having to do with issues surrounding conflict of interest and is specifically asking for SARM to lobby the Ministry of Government Relations to amend The Municipalities Act subsection 151(1) and replace “may” with the term “shall” to dissuade council from denying reimbursement so far as the criteria are met.

Neither the R.M. of Prince Albert nor Buckland have any resolutions this year for consideration.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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