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(file photo/paNOW Staff)
Resort Village elections

Colleen Lavoie wins mayoral seat in Candle Lake

Jul 29, 2024 | 10:35 AM

Colleen Lavoie, Candle Lake’s new mayor won her seat by a large margin on Saturday, taking 795 votes compared to her next nearest competitor, Joseph Barczia who got 252 votes. Borden Wasyluk received 70 votes.

Previous mayor Terry Kostyna did not seek re-election.

The new council are incumbents Johnathon Attig and Debra Hunter and new councillors Hugh Garven and Shelly Voykin.

A total of 1,117 votes were cast.

Council will be officially sworn in on August 1.

Next door in the District of Lakeland, 953 people turned out for their elections, also on Saturday.

Of the three people running for Reeve, Treena McAlpine was the decisive winner with 700 votes compared to Renee Reimer-Horner with 144 and incumbent Walter Plessl with 105.

Don Schkopich will represent Division 1 with 163 votes, Cheryl MacMillan won the Division two seat with 109 votes and John Stauffer took Division 3 with 139 votes.

In Division 4, the contest was a close one between David Lesko (108 votes) and Mary Sawchuk, who won with 114 votes.

Division 5 voters put Stuart McDowell in their seat with 68 votes.

The Resort Village of Elk Ridge had no election as their mayor and all of council were acclaimed.

Margaret Smith-Winsor is the community’s second mayor after it became a Resort Village in 2022, taking the seat over from Gary McKay.

Ross Hewett, Russell Schwehr, Payton Hall and Jacqueline Archer make up the council.

The resort Village of Tobin Lake in the North East region also had their council acclaimed.

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