Prince Albert reeve acclaimed Sask. Party candidate in Sask Rivers
A little more than three months after announcing his intentions to seek the Sask. Party’s nomination in the Sask Rivers constituency, Eric Schmalz stood before a crowd of supporters Wednesday night and proclaimed “we did it.”
The current reeve for the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert ran unopposed, therefore winning the nomination race by acclamation. Addressing the crowd gathered at the Wildlife Federation building, Schmalz said he’s always harbored a keen interest in being a strong voice for the people he serves, whether as a volunteer, a member of the RCMP, or as reeve.
“Although the wheels were put in motion long ago, the catalyst for me standing here for you tonight were the quiet conversations at a premier’s dinner last December,” he explained.
He added those conversations were bolstered by the voices and encouragement he received upon announcing plans to seek the nomination.