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Ukraine flag combined with Canada flag. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)
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P.A. becoming ‘hotspot’ for Ukrainian newcomers, desperate need of donations and housing

May 5, 2023 | 3:00 PM

Prince Albert is welcoming more and more Ukrainian newcomers by the week.

Currently, 68 families are living in the city after leaving their home country due to Russia’s invasion. In total, there are 179 individuals, 93 adults, and 86 children.

Sonya Jahn, who’s been looking after all of P.A.’s newcomers, said she’s even started to get calls from people in Ukraine and other European countries who want to move to the city.

“Not sure how they got my name,” she joked.

She believes there are a lot of reasons why more and more people want to come here. This includes the already large Ukrainian community which is very tight-knit.

“We (also) have many job opportunities, our city is growing, and new developments are taking place,” Jahn added.

Six more families are expected to arrive in the coming weeks. Jahn explained this is highlighting a big issue they’re facing, a lack of accommodation.

“Right now, we don’t have a place for them to (stay),” she said.

Along with housing, there’s also a need for several other items to help support all the local newcomers. According to Jahn, these families and individuals just came with the clothes on their backs and a small suitcase, so they’re in need of things like furniture, pots and pans, bedding supplies, and more.

A list of needed items. (Submitted Photo/Sonya Jahn)

Financial donations can be made to the Calvary United Church Benevolent Fund for Settling Ukrainian families in Prince Albert while physical donations can be dropped off at MLA Alana Ross’ office on 15 Street East.

Arrangements for furniture drop-off can be made by phoning 306-930-9721.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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