Cree leader says Pope’s apology should have mentioned residential school grave sites
CROSS LAKE, Man. — A Cree chief in northern Manitoba said Pope Francis fell short in his apology last week for the abuse Indigenous students faced in residential schools as the chief’s First Nation prepared to investigate the site of where such an institution once stood.
Pimicikamak Cree Nation Chief David Monias said he welcomed the apology, but was “saddened” the Pope did not acknowledge the discovery of what are believed to be unmarked graves at some former residential school sites in Canada.
“It seems like the more grave sites that are found, people tend to accept it … people forget that these were children and that we have to make sure we find out what happened to these children,” Monias said Tuesday.
Pimicikamak is one of a number of First Nations communities that are in the process of doing ground searches of former residential school sites.