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Ag ministers discuss risk management programs, labour and animal health

Nov 23, 2020 | 10:14 AM

OTTAWA, Ontario – Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) agriculture ministers held the first of two virtual meetings as part of their annual conference.

The ministers reviewed and discussed possible options for improvements to Business Risk Management (BRM) programs. No details were released but BRM will be on the agenda again for this Friday’s session.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said farmers and agri-food businesses are relying on their governments to help them address the many challenges they are facing.

“It has been a tumultuous year and, through it all, they have shown incredible resilience,” Bibeau said in a news release. “These discussions are an important chance for my colleagues and I to collaborate on key measures we can take together to better support their success and continued ability to deliver for Canadians.”

The ministers also discussed the ongoing threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) and agreed further action is needed to prevent and prepare for ASF. In addition, the ministers were also provided with an update on the new Animal Health Canada agency created to implement policies to deal with the animal health emergencies.

Labour concerns brought on by the pandemic were also discussed. Preventing and reducing the spread of COVID-19 among permanent residents and temporary foreign workers remains a priority.

Ontario Agriculture Minister Ernie Hardeman said it has been a challenging year for farmers and the entire agri-food sector.

“I appreciate the collaboration by the ministers and the headway made on important subjects including African Swine Fever and labour. I look forward to more of the same particularly as it relates to seeking enhancements on business risk management programming available to producers,” Hardeman said.

The second virtual meeting will be held Friday.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF