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Webinars provide decision-making tools for cattle producers

Nov 16, 2020 | 3:02 PM

MELFORT, Sask. – Cattle producers will have an opportunity to gain valuable information for their operation from the comfort of their office chair.

Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is hosting a series of free webinars for farmers and ranchers interested in learning about decision-making tools and resources.

BCRC extension coordinator Ellen Crane said in many cases, cattle and forage producers can immediately apply the practices discussed in the webinar directly on their farms.

“It’s an interactive way for beef producers to learn about research and new innovations and get practical science-based production advice,” Crane said. “It may feature researchers, veterinarians, other industry experts or even fellow producers who discuss topics of interest to those in the beef industry.”

The next webinar called Calm and Calculated – What Key Financial Tools Can Help You Achieve Success on Your Farm will take place on Wednesday.

Crane said the event will feature Melissa Reinhardt, manager of business development with Farm Credit Canada in Red Deer, Alta, and Manitoba producer Brett McRae.

“They’ll be taking about information that’s needed to make financial decisions, how to have a good relationship with your creditor and what to do if you are turned down for financing,” Crane said.

This winter other presentations will include how to use on-farm data and benchmarks to optimize ranch profitability. The sessions build on interactive record-keeping tools and resources that the council recently added to their website. The series will also include other timely beef and forage topics.

“Reproductive failure in the herd, the cause and affect, when to intervene with a panel of veterinarians from across Western Canada,” Crane said. “Records for animal health and performance, practical genetics for beef production and record keeping for forage and grassland management.

If producers are unavailable to attend in real time, they should still register because everyone who registers will receive a link to the recording which can be watched at a more convenient time.

Crane said producers can sign up by going to under the resources tab.

There is no charge to sign up.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF