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Agriculture Roundup for Thursday August 20, 2020

Aug 20, 2020 | 11:22 AM

New artificial intelligence will help farmers specifically target crop pests.

Protein Industries Canada announced the development of this new technology that will increase efficiencies and providing economic benefits for farmers.

The $26.2 million project is being led by, Sure Growth Solutions, Exceed Grain Marketing and the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan.

The partners are investing $13.4 million into the project, with Protein Industries Canada providing the remaining $12.8 million.

The technology uses artificial intelligence to detect weeds and other crop pests while passing over a field. This is estimated to reduce pesticide use by up to 95 per cent while maintaining crop yield. The technology can be retrofitted to upgrade new or existing sprayers, making it suitable for all Canadian farmers.

Approximately 120 new Canadian jobs are expected to be created through the project within the next five years.

There will be one district election for the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association (SCA) board.

William Coventry and Joleen Shea are the two candidates running for the position in District 7. The election will take place in Kerrobert on Oct. 20.

Several incumbents were acclaimed including current SCA chair Arnold Balicki in District 9A, Leigh Rosengren in District 2, Keith Day in District 3B, and Levi Hull in District 5.

SeedMaster Manufacturing has found its new chief executive officer.

Don Henry has 27 years of experience in the industry, having worked with well-known agricultural companies including South Country Equipment, Morris Industries, Brandt Agricultural Products, and Flexi-Coil.

SeedMaster president Norbert Beaujot said Henry’s combined farming background and industry experience makes him a perfect fit for the position.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF