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Agriculture Roundup for Tuesday, July 4

Aug 4, 2020 | 10:09 AM

Grain shipments are moving at a fast pace as the crop year ended on Friday, July 31.

The executive director of the Western Grain Elevator Association, Wade Sobkowich, said the first half of the crop year saw delays but there has been a significant recovery in grain exports.

“We started shipping more grain than we ever have between March and the end of July,” he said. “And that, in part is due to a reduction of shipping in other sectors. Whereas if you’d asked me that question in the beginning part of the year, I would have said we were going to have a major carry out at the end of the crop year.”

A normal carry out is expected because shipping has been made up due to available rail capacity.

Saturday, August 1 was Canada Food Day.

Agriculture Minister David Marit said the day began to celebrate the beef industry and livestock sector.

“It’s just grown from that and now the day is really about promoting food in Canada and asking everybody, whatever they make to eat that day or go out to a restaurant that they’re Canadian products they’re enjoying,” Marit said. “We grow the best in the world, so why not enjoy it? That’s really what the day is about, is really promoting agriculture, obviously, and the safe high quality food we grow here in this country and that we just get people encouraged to consume the food that we grow here.”

Consumers of all types were encouraged to get out and enjoy Saskatchewan grown food and to shop local and support farmers’ markets.

On Twitter: @matbarrett6