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Agriculture Roundup for Monday June 22, 2020

Jun 22, 2020 | 9:46 AM

A national dairy cattle traceability program kicks in this fall.

Lactanet Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) announced DairyTrace, will provide a single framework for dairy farmers to track animal identity and movements.

Lactanet’s DairyTrace Advisory Committee chair Gert Schrijver said providing protection and peace of mind to consumers is vital, and when it is fully implemented, DairyTrace will provide a system to take the industry’s efforts to the next level.

“The launch of DairyTrace will be a pivotal milestone for dairy producers, as it will provide the data management infrastructure needed to provide a true, pan-Canadian picture of the movements of dairy cattle,” Schrijver said.

Under federal regulations anyone who owns or is in possession, care or control of dairy cattle must report animal identity, movement, location, and custodianship information.

A third migrant worker in Ontario with COVID-19 has died.

The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit said the farm in their region currently has 199 infected migrant workers and 18 other people associated with the farm who tested positive for COVID-19.

Health board chair Kristal Chopp said it is a tragedy someone who comes to Canada to work in the agricultural industry and to support a family back home lost their life so far away from loved ones.

Approximately 20,000 migrant workers come to Ontario each year to work on farms and in greenhouses. Many come from Mexico, Guatemala and the Caribbean. This year temporary foreign workers were required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival.

On Twitter @AliceMcF