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Agribition postpones 50th anniversary show to 2021

Jun 17, 2020 | 4:05 PM

Canadian Western Agribition in Regina scheduled for this November has been postponed. It’s even more disappointing as Agribition was to celebrate its 50th show this year with several special events.

Agribition CEO Chris Lane said it was a difficult decision, but the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors was the priority while giving everyone involved enough notice to make the decisions they need to make for their own operations.

“At the end of the day we just want to put on an Agribition we all know and love and that’s a lot of people in one place having a good time. And if we can’t confidently do that in a safe way that keeps all of those people safe and healthy we felt it was the right time to make that call,” Lane said.

Lane said Agribition organizers will spend time during the summer to see if there are any other options for a virtual or digital type of event.

“There’s an opportunity to create some new programming that’s not necessarily tied to show week itself. It could be an exciting way to keep Agribition active and the brand active and maybe there is some revenue opportunities there,” he said.

Agribition brings in about $4 million each year and records a profit of roughly $400,000. Lane said the economic spin off for the entire province is much more.

“Agribition is an economic generator to the tune of over $70 million for the province. It’s not a decision we came to lightly,” Lane said. “We know there are a lot of economic spinoffs that happen around Agribition. It’s unfortunate we may not be able to deliver it this year.”

Lane said they haven’t missed show in 49 years so this is tough, but the work will not stop.

“We have already started making sure that CWA’s year-round work continues, and we showcase Canadian agriculture to the community and to the world.”

The 50th anniversary show will now be held Nov. 22 to 27, 2021.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF