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Agriculture Roundup for Tuesday May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020 | 9:28 AM

Canada’s Agriculture Union said the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will order non-meat inspectors into meat plants under threat of discipline.

The union said the agency is instructing some of its non-meat-inspection staff to train up to be deployed to meat slaughter plants that have seen outbreaks of COVID-19.

Working conditions in the plants are a provincial responsibility but the federal inspectors are there to make sure the food they produce is safe for consumers.

The union said 18 of 37 inspectors working at the Cargill plant in High River have tested positive for the virus.

Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) is distancing itself from comments made by its president on municipal amalgamation.

On the weekend, SUMA President Gordon Barnhart made a controversial suggestion of consolidating municipalities.

The board of SUMA then issued a statement saying it was not in favour of municipal amalgamation, particularly forced amalgamation.

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities president Ray Orb welcomed the clarification.

“I hope the relationship between SARM and SUMA can continue to grow. I think we need to put what happened behind us and get back to work to better the rural and urban municipalities in Saskatchewan,” Orb said.

In the statement the SUMA board said municipal autonomy is essential in preserving local identity and meeting local priorities.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF