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Agriculture Roundup for Thursday May 7, 2020

May 7, 2020 | 9:56 AM

A $7.5 billion infrastructure recovery program announced by the provincial government is being welcomed by the rural groups.

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) president Ray Orb said the stimulus package will benefit the entire provincial economy.

He said rural municipalities are suffering economically from the impact of COVID-19 and the $300 million dedicated to thin membrane surface roads and other improvements will benefit rural communities.

The provincial program includes a new $150 million Municipal Economic Enhancement Program to support infrastructure in communities across the province.

Inspections continue at Alberta meat processing facilities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Three of the provinces 200 meat processing facilities have been forced to reduce operations.

While it is not a food-borne disease, it is having an impact on operations as several employees have tested positive and had to self-quarantine, reducing the facilities’ operations.

There have been 946 cases in workers at the Cargill facility, 566 cases at JBS and Harmony Beef has 38 confirmed cases.

Occupational Health and Safety joined Alberta Health Services on-site at Cargill for the reopening on Monday and were back on site again yesterday to further assess the operations.

The Alberta Government has established an industry advisory committee.

Champions of Agriculture will provide strategic advice and recommendations on emerging issues and priorities relating to consumer confidence.

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Devin Dreeshen said the committee will break down myths and misunderstanding of agriculture practices.

The group is made up of a cross-section of agricultural representatives who provide an advisory role to the minister on agriculture and agri-food issues.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF