Quality Inn owes nearly $700,000 to city
The owners of the shuttered Quality Inn hotel in Prince Albert’s downtown owe the city close to $700,000 in back taxes. The debt is one of the biggest in the city’s more than $3.3 million in unpaid tax bills.
Depending on the outcome of mediation, the boarded-up 93-room hotel could end up in P.A. taxpayers’ hands by early next year and city officials are hopeful the doors of the building once regarded as one of P.A.’s top hotels will re-open.
paNOW obtained a tax certificate from the city which shows the numbered company that owns the hotel now owes $669,016.28 in outstanding taxes and penalties. Most of that is for an accumulated levy that currently runs at $114,418.90 per year. The last time the owners were up to date with their taxes was in May 2015.
In June, owner Shah Thobani told paNOW the business, which was purchased in 2007, was not economically viable in terms of driving traffic to the location. It is currently listed for sale for $2 million as an ongoing hotel enterprise, student housing, low-cost rentals, or a form of health care accommodation. ICR Commercial Real Estate, the Saskatoon-based realtors appointed to sell it, said earlier this year the replacement cost would be about $20 million but there had been no offers to buy.