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Personally, I have been a regular donor since I was a teenager and now at donation number 47, I am even more passionate than ever about this life giving cause.

Imagine your baby or grandchild urgently needing a transfusion. Imagine your partner in a motor vehicle accident where every second matters in matching their blood type. Imagine your best friend’s cancer treatments have left them so anemic, they need a blood transfusion to function.

We don’t like to imagine these tragedies but for many people they are not just scenarios, they are reality. Many of us have the power to be superheros, we have the power to impact lives, in fact, to save lives and we don’t even have to go to med school. All we have to do is show up and roll up our sleeves.

With only about 3.9% of the population* being blood donors, it’s no wonder the blood banks are being challenged handling the demand.

If you are already a donor, thank you. I bet you feel the same privilege as I do when you donate. Knowing that your healthy body has the capacity to save a life is a pretty overwhelming feeling. I feel like it is a wonderful way to show gratitude for our own health. Please consider inviting a friend or colleague with you next time, even if it’s just to observe. That’s a step in the right direction!

If you have thought about giving blood but haven’t quite got around to it yet, let me tell you that the hardest part is getting that first donation in; making the appointment, overcoming the obstacles (fear, needles, the unknown, etc.) and setting aside and hour of your time.

Friday June 14 is World Blood Donor Day and my encouragement, my plea, is to commit to going once, just once. Perhaps go with a friend who is already a donor. Go with your book club, go to celebrate your birthday, book a date night, have a mother-daughter night out. Take yourself  out, make it an experience!

This is my friend Dr. Laura Sokal, I went with her for her first donation, she is a regular now!

You can expect to find very friendly and professional people helping you every step of the way. You will be well informed, cared for and appreciated. And of course you will have a snack and a ‘Be nice to me, I gave blood today.’ sticker, which I personally try to milk for a couple of days. I bet you’ll be booking your return appointment before your Oreos are done.

If you are one of the 50% of people* who is not eligible to donate, they are always looking for friendly volunteers. Visit* for more information on volunteering or donating.

Show up and roll up, because every time you are on this side of the needle, life is pretty darn good – and it’s just one more way to live Your Life, Unlimited!

Thank you for considering, Steph 🙂

*Canadian info, Google ‘donating blood’ to find out more info and to find out where you can give in your area.

The post Show up and Roll Up! first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited