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Safety First

Spring Safety

May 1, 2019 | 9:08 AM

Spring, really?

While out for a walk this weekend, the dog and I noticed a sure sign that spring must be coming; a pair of geese went flying by. I am certain they are a bit confused as are we with what to do with all this snow in places like Calgary, southern Saskatchewan or even locally. Ball teams are planning try-outs and outdoor soccer played their first games. What a strange spring it is starting out to be.

With the extended daylight hours, everyone is trying their best to get outside for some exercise.

I’ve seen runners, walkers and the odd cyclist enjoying the outdoors.

Often when a pedestrian and vehicle collide we sometimes think the motorist was to blame. While that may be true the opposite can also be true. Just as we would teach younger children who walk home after school to use pedestrian crosswalks and signals or obey the instructions of school patrollers, we ourselves have to heed the same advice.

Some basic simple rules when crossing the street not only include the previously mentioned but also crossing at corners and not in the middle of the block.

Stop, look both ways and when safe then make your way across the street. Wait for the proper hand signal or green light to cross a busy intersection. My favorite is watching someone pushing the walk button multiple times thinking the more times I push the sooner the walk signal will be displayed. Walk in opposite direction of traffic, if walking in the early morning hours or later in the evening wear something reflective or else bright colors.

As the weather gets warmer we’ll see families walking, cyclists young and old pedaling around, and one can not ignore the joggers. Share the trail or path. Obey the street signals but most importantly to our cyclists use your bike hand signals.

As motorists we need to watch out for pedestrians. You wouldn’t expect them along a busy street to pop out in the middle of the intersection, though they might, crossing at the corner is where you’ll likely see pedestrians.

When approaching an intersection, if pedestrians are present, give them the opportunity to cross and be patient. In residential areas please slow down to watch for pedestrians and pets outside. It is time for motorists to think spring and with spring you can expect a lot more people out walking to get exercise.

Lots of local businesses have got their bicycles already out for sale.

Moms and dads now is a great time to pull the bike from hiding in the garage.

While it might not be the best cycle weather, check the fit, check the bicycle and make any needed repairs for a great summer ahead. Does your child’s (and yours too) still fit?

Our summer car seat clinics begin May 1 at our new summer location Lakeland Ford. Thanks to the team at Lakeland Ford for hosting us this year. Spring is coming, so pedestrians and motorists need to share the road.

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