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Charles Robichaud is hoping the city can solve his flooding issues. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Flooding issues

P.A. man demands action from city over flooding issues.

Apr 29, 2019 | 10:03 AM

Prince Albert’s Charles Robichaud has lived in the midtown area for the better part of ten years, and says he is tired of seeing his garage and yard flooded every spring and summer.

He told paNOW there is no drainage channel in the back alley, and the construction of a mental health housing unit next door in 2016, has only made the problem worse.

“I have spent anywhere from three to four thousand dollars in base gravel just trying to get my driveway up so it stops flooding,” he said.

This is what happens when it rains. (Submitted video/ Charles Robichaud)

Robichaud said he has made many attempts over the years to get an answer from the city, but added each time he calls, he gets the same response.

“One of the ladies at city hall literally said to me on the phone that I live in an older area of the city, what do I expect. I expect since I pay close to $230 a month in taxes that I actually have proper drainage and proper care from the city,” he said.

Robichaud said the city’s solution always just seems to be to just add more gravel, but explained every time they do that, it just diverts more water into his property.

Charles Robichaud feels he has been mopping up the city’s mess. (Submitted photo/ Charles Robichaud)

Ward three councilor Evert Botha took a drive down the back alley on Friday and then had a meeting at City Hall afterward with an official from the Department of Public Works. Botha said he came out of the meeting feeling assured the city would be addressing Robichaud’s complaint.

“I’ll find out early {this week] what the sort of plans are,” he said. “This is just one of those issues where we need to focus on doing everything a little better as a city.”

Botha said he did plan to inquire about the proposed plan at Monday night’s city council meeting. When paNOW reached out to City Hall for comment the response came in the form of an emailed statement from Communications Manager Kiley Bear.

“The city was contacted by the resident and city staff evaluated the inquiry accordingly. The drainage concern in the back alley will be addressed as part of the back alley grading program the city undertakes on a regular basis. The resident has been informed of this plan. Similar concerns can be forwarded to the Public Works Department for assistance.”

Robichaud has told paNOW someone from city hall had been in contact with him and was coming over to assess the situation.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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