When it comes to antibiotic use, less is more
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 81-year-old male. I have CMML (chronic myelomonocrytic leukemia), but Vidaza has stabilized my condition. I am otherwise in good health.
Some years ago, I had an operation on my thumb that became infected, and I was given Duricef. This caused me to have colitis, which was treated by killing all my stomach bacteria and reintroducing good bacteria. I recently had diverticulitis and took ciprofloxacin and metronidazole for seven days. The oral antibiotics for the diverticulitis caused me to have stomach cramps, as do all oral antibiotics.
The problem is, I frequently have cuts and abrasions that turn the surrounding area red. I would like to manage infections and inflammations while reducing the need for oral antibiotics. I am concerned that frequent use of antibiotics causes them to become less effective.