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Arrive alive this New Year — don’t drink and drive

Dec 31, 2018 | 4:00 PM

With the end of 2018 in sight, residents of Prince Albert are being reminded to avoid drinking and driving this New Year’s Eve.

The Prince Albert Police Service will have additional officers on patrol in anticipation of a busy evening and will be keeping an eye out for impaired drivers or any criminal offences.

The public is also being reminded with new legislation in place, police now have the ability to request a breath sample from any driver. 

There are several options available throughout the city for those looking for a safe route home.

Operation Red Nose, a free province-wide, volunteer service will take you and your vehicle safely home. To use Operation Red Nose in Prince Albert call 306-763-6673. They also have a website and mobile app.

As well, Wing in the New Year, a free public transit service will be in operation tonight. The program is sponsored by SGI and provided by Prince Albert Transit. For routes and hours of operation visit

As always, taxis are another viable means of arriving home safely.

Pradeep Kumar, a manager with Checker and Family Taxi in Prince Albert, told paNOW the entire 20-vehicle fleet of taxis will be present on P.A’s roadways tonight, but he doesn’t expect the demand to be overwhelming.

“All 20 cars we have in the fleet will be available for service tonight, but that’s really all we can do for special preparation,” Kumar said. “Some other nights are just as busy, it’s just another busy night.”

Kumar added the importance of finding alternative measures to getting home safely for those who have been drinking, adding if you cannot take a taxi, to use one of the several other available safe options.

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