Pushback pauses paving proposal
A line was drawn in the asphalt over a proposal to fast-track the paving of the South parking lot at the Art Hauser Centre at city council Monday.
With unusually warm weather in the city, contractors made more progress then expected on road repair and repaving projects, which freed them up to complete work on the lot this year. It was initially slated for a 2018 end date.
To do the work now, $277,000 is needed, and city staff suggested it come out of the Roadway’s Paving Program but be replenished in the 2018 budget. As the project is under-budget and the Marquis Road expansion was curbed, there would be no additional costs. Staff said not bringing the move forward would be a missed opportunity.
Sticking fingers into the roadway’s fund was not a welcomed move for many councillors who said it is a “sacred” fund the city has promised residents to only be used for streets and not parking lots.