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How to Read Tea Leaves

Mar 26, 2015 | 8:12 AM

Join us April 26th, from 11:30 – 4:00 p.m. in St. Louis/
The cost: is $95.00 which includes handout and loose tea for you to take home to practice with.
Please phone: Sandy at 940-8728 or email for more details at
Readings will be available by appointment before or after workshop.
Sandy took up the Art of Tea Leaf Reading in 1995 and has embraced the ability in order to assist others. It is a culturally acceptable tool to reach many people and an art that is typically handed down within families. She has been interviewed by Shaw Cable while doing tea leaf reading at Batoche in 2010. She read Teena Monteleone’s tea leaves on CTV.
She has taught tea leaf reading. She has done splurge groups, birthday parties and is available for family reunions. She is a successful author of Tea Leaf Reading Guide: What You Already Know.
She has a varied background. She is a trained facilitator in Nobody’s Perfect Parenting, Racism in the Workplace, and High Conflict Parenting and has facilitated thousands of workshops over the past 17 years on various self-help topics. She is trained as an Anger Resolution Therapist. She has done hundreds of public presentations to groups of up to 500 people. She has appeared on the radio, television and newspaper multiple times. She
has been a member of Toastmasters International since 2004 and has superior speaking and leadership abilities. For more information please go to