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RCMP officer charged in Wollaston Lake ATV accident

Jan 19, 2015 | 11:24 AM

A Wollaston Lake RCMP officer who was injured riding an RCMP ATV while off-duty now faces charges of impaired driving.

Constable Kevin Granrude was taken to hospital in Saskatoon with serious head injuries, after he was spotted by an on-duty officer, rolling the ATV he was on.

While in hospital RCMP officers investigated why he was using the vehicle while off-duty and what caused the accident.

The investigation has now led to Granrude being charged.

“As a result the provincial general investigation section along with crown council approval have charged Constable Granrude with operating motor vehicle while over .08 as well as impaired operation of a motor vehicle,” said Sergeant Craig Cleary with “F” Division Communications Unit of the Saskatchewan RCMP.

On top of this an internal code of conduct investigation will commence while Granrude faces his first court appearance.

“That investigation will be taking place right now just to look into exactly the actions and the totality of the situation,” said Cleary. “If there is a finding of guilt in the court system that can definitely change the dynamics, because obviously there is punitive measures that are imposed by the courts that may or may not affect his ability to work in the current function that he may be in.” 

Granrude is currently back on duty at a rural detachment in Swift Current.

“Our policy relating to suspension is designed to protect the integrity of the discipline process,” said Cleary. “If the behaviour of the officer in question is such that they need to be removed from duty then they would be suspended.

Granrude’s driver’s license has not been suspended following the impaired driving charge, according to Cleary.

His first court appearance is Feb. 11 in Wollaston Lake Provincial Court.

On Twitter: @journalistjim