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SGI launches Ding in the New Year

Dec 1, 2014 | 4:17 PM

With 2014 soon drawing to a close, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) has launched this year’s Ding in the New Year campaign in Prince Albert.

Ding in the New Year provides free city transit bus service to New Year’s revellers in Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw and Prince Albert. It’s billed as a safe way to get home and prevent drinking and driving on local roads.

“Drinking and driving remains a leading cause of fatal collisions on Saskatchewan roads,” said Ron Bird, manager of the SGI claims office in Prince Albert. “Last year, during the holiday season alone, there were 109 collisions in Saskatchewan where alcohol or drugs were a factor, leaving 39 people injured.”

Bird was on hand at Monday’s police conference to officially launch Prince Albert’s Ding in the New Year. He said that over the last 26 years, the campaign has helped to ensure that nearly a quarter of a million people across the province made it home safely.

And in Prince Albert alone, more than 500 people take advantage of the free bus service on New Year’s Eve every year, Bird said.

For the 2012 edition, only 348 riders used the service, according to a media release issued on Jan. 3, 2013. 

According to a Board of Police Commissioners’ document, the police did not lay an impaired driving charge on New Year’s Eve – for the second year in a row.

The estimated cost to SGI for this year’s offering is $3,450 for the bus service, and only $290 for security and $100 to advertise.

On New Year’s Eve, free bus service on four routes begins at 7:45 p.m. and runs for eight hours until 3:15 a.m. The buses serve the four major areas of the city: East Hill, West Hill, East Flat and West Flat.

This year, however, there has been suggestions that the routes be altered to pass by major party venues. Mayor Greg Dionne made such a suggestion during the October police board meeting

Prince Albert Police Sgt. Brandon Mudry said the police department is working with the City to identify where the events are happening on New Year’s Eve.

“We’re going to co-ordinate the bus routes so they can be utilized to their maximum potential,” he said. “Efforts are still being made to get that finalized so hopefully we’ll have it out here shortly so people can plan their nights accordingly to those bus routes.”

On Twitter: @thiajames