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Saskatchewan’s whistleblower protection law goes into effect Thursday

Aug 31, 2011 | 1:06 PM

It's a way for government employees to safely “blow the whistle” on problems they see anonymously.

Legislation takes effect Thursday that will give workers a specific person in each Crown and Ministry to take concerns to.

Known as the whistleblower protection law, the Public Interest Disclosure Act will now outline how and where workers should report wrongdoing.

Minister June Draude said it gives employees a place to go internally instead of the opposition or the media and now there will be ramifications if an employee doesn't use this channel.

But she emphasizes there aren't usually many reports anyway.

“It’s not a huge undertaking because there’s not that many concerns brought forward,” said Draude.

She noted that doesn't mean concerns won't be acted on. She points out some people want to make sure their worries are valid.

“People may feel like they don’t want to go public on it, they want to make sure their concerns have been clearly understood or defined or even found out if they’re correct or not,” she said.

There is already similar legislation in Ontario, Manitoba and Nova Scotia.