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Japanese Students Enjoyng Prince Albert Area Through Global Partners

Jul 31, 2011 | 8:45 AM

Life has been running at a high pace for the girls from Nanzan High School in Nagoya, Japan since they arrived in Prince Albert on July 22nd.

They have experienced many opportunities that Prince Albert and area provides.

On the program side of their visit they have been attending classes at Rivier Academy and interacting with several young people at their study center and on their tours.

On their tours they have visited the Farmer’s Market and the local museums, gone on a wagon ride and had a wonderful cowboy dinner at Buckboard Ranch just south of the city, played mini golf at Fairview Fairways, picked saskatoons and raspberries, swam at the wave pool in Melfort, went bowling and joined in a large host family and student BBQ one evening. In addition to all of these activities they are being shown many more aspects of Canadian family life through their respective host families.