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Prince Albert Community Literacy Plan Celebrated

Jun 28, 2011 | 8:40 AM

A large crowd gathered in the church basement at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, June 22 to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments and contrubutions of those who participated in elements of the Prince Albert Community Literacy Plan over the past 6 months. Angie Hesje and Lynne Mourot, PACLP Advisory Committee members are seen handing out portfolio's to some of the participants being recognized.

A committee was formed a year ago to develop and submit a proposal to SaskSmart Initiatives Fund on behalf of the community of Prince Albert for a project that would combine elements of “Family Literacy and Workplace Literacy”. The proposal was based on needs that were identified by the community and included:

1. Several areas of Family Literacy Facilitator training to increase community capacity and access to Family Literacy programming.

2. Development of a lesson plan that can be used by schools and community groups that addresses the connection between “Health and Literacy”. The lesson plan included a poster competition for students Pre-K – Grade 9.

Poster competition winners:
Division 1 – Chase Fiddler, Pre-K, Vincent Massey Community School
Division 2 – Hailey Smith, Grade 4, W.F.A. Turgeon Catholic Comm. School
Division 3 – Charity Gareau, Grade 8, Riverside Community School

3. Family Literacy Olympics – Festival held at Riverside Community School that was open to the whole community. This will become an annual event.

3. Free access to certification programs such as WHMIS, First Aid/CPR, Food Safe, Computer Skills and GED.

4. The development of an 8 component program to be delivered to those who are seeking employment or want to work as volunteers within groups or organizations. The focus of the program is “How to Get and Keep a Job!”
The program can also be used by employers to mentor employees or work placement participants.

5. More effective use of existing communication and distrubition systems to increase the flow of information and educational materials to families.

6. Continued community consultation and implementation of the sustainability component of each of the elements.

Thanks to the many particpants and partners who made this such a success. A special thank-you to our funder, SaskSmart Initiative Fund, Ministry of Education and to our Sponsor, Sask Rivers School Division 119.

For more information on the PACLP, contact
submitted by Delphine Melchert, PACLP Coordinator.