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Get Ready for A Taste of Prince Albert

Jun 9, 2011 | 3:28 PM

Kinsmen Park, which is situated between Central Avenue and 1st Avenue West and from 22nd Street to 28th Street. The site has high recognition by Prince Albert & Region residents, a great atmosphere and surroundings, and the park offers suffi-cient room to accommodate growth of the event in future years.

Kinsmen Park
Monday July 25th 2011
3 pm — 10 pm
Tuesday Wednesday, & Thursday July 26th — 28th 2011

Is there more than just food?
Ongoing entertainment on the Kinsmen Park Amphitheatre will keep visitors entertained throughout the event and give them an additional reason to visit the “Taste of Prince Albert”. This year’s line up is promised to be filled with new and promising local stars, with a broad range of musical acts coming to our stage.

Taste of Prince Albert is a special event for the whole family involving 8-10 restaurants all located at Kinsmen Park, each serving three dishes to the public. Tokens are bought from a cen-tral kiosk and then redeemed at the restaurant booths of their choice for food items ranging in “price” from one to three tokens (2.00 per token)