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Physical Activity Grant Program

Dec 19, 2010 | 2:47 PM

Applications are now being accepted for the Physical Activity Grant Program (PAGP).

The PAGP is delivered at the provincial level, with the assistance of the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, through the Physical Activity Network of Saskatchewan (PANS) Review Committee.

The PAGP supports strategic regional and provincial projects and initiatives that will advance the physical activity movement in Saskatchewan and increase the level of physical activity of Saskatchewan people.

Guidelines for this program are designed to encourage collaboration among regional and provincial physical activity partners across the sport, culture and recreation networks.

Local level projects are supported through the CIF Community Grant Program and through Saskatchewan in motion.

The next PAGP application deadline is February 1, 2011. Program guidelines and an application form are attached. They may also be downloaded at Please share this funding opportunity with regional or provincial organizations that encourage physical activity in your region.


Applications should be sent to Rhonda Newton, CIF Administrator, at:

Physical Activity Grant Program

1870 Lorne Street

Regina, Saskatchewan

S4P 2L7

For additional information and examples of successful projects, please contact Wendy McKellar, Consultant – Physical Activity and Fitness, by phone at (306) 780-9470, or by email at