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Festive Magic at the E.A.Rawlinson Centre

Dec 17, 2010 | 8:37 AM

Festive Magic, December 18 at 8 p.m.

Christmas Memories is the theme of Festive Magic to be held on Saturday, December 18 at 8 p.m. Festive Magic is the E. A. Rawlinson Centre’s version of an old fashioned Christmas Concert except with all the bells and whistles of a state of the art theatre.


The lineup of entertainers is as follows:

 1.)Darren McCaffery- General Manager but also well known for his beautiful tenor voice

2.) Ryan Spracklin- Venue  technicianand accomplished Celtic fiddler

3.) Arioso-Vocal trio including Marketing Director Linda Jensen

4.) Shantaia Poulin-Junior Star at Search for the Stars 2010

5.) Karen Langlois-local voice teacher who was in the cast of ‘Best Christmas Pageant Ever’

6.)  Barry Mihilewicz-long standing advertising sponsor

7.) Magic Trees- which consists of Jason Moon (long standing advertising sponsor) Colleen Moon and Ian and Jaime Dickson.  

8.)  St. Mary High School Jazz Choir, under the direction of Kaleigh Smith (St. Mary rents the E. A. Rawlinson Centre every May for their musical)

9.)The Prince Albert Men’s Chorus (under the direction of Bob Gibson)  is one of the institutions in the musical community in Prince Albert who performed at the Annual Watsonairs Concert held at the E. A. Rawlinson Centre.

10.)Michelle McKeaveney a well know area singer

11.) The Canada World Youth Group will spend their last night in Prince Albert performing at Festive Magic.  These young people are from areas across Canada and from Nicaragua.

12.) Santa Claus will play a very important role not only in meeting and greeting the audience before the show and at intermission but also in sharing special memories of Christmas. 

The amazing Jazz Guise (Mike Langlois, Darcy Sander, Rick Lett and Dave Monette) are the house band for the show.

Everyone is invited to partake in Christmas dainties and hot cider at intermission.

Food donations for the Prince Albert Share a Meal Food Bank will be gratefully accepted at this event.