What Can Prince Albert Early Childhood Development Do For You?
PAECIP provides services to families who have children, aged birth to kindergarten, who have a developmental delay or are at risk for delay. This means that the child is not reaching his milestones at the usual rate or he may have a condition that prevents will prevent him from reaching these a bit later on. PAECIP is one of fifteen community-based ECIP programs across Saskatchewan.
The majority of the service happens during visits in the home, or another location chosen by the family. During that time, the Interventionist works with the family to find out what they would like for their child and themselves, what their child currently can do, and what the family wants him to be doing in the near future. Then the family and Interventionist plan activites to help reach those goals.
Other aspects of the service are around information shared with the parents – information about child development, THEIR child's development, other services available, etc. We also help families connect to the other services and transition into school or centre-based programs. Family-to-family connections are also assisted for families who are interested.